We Are Church Ireland fully support and applaud Fr Tony Flannery’s decision not to sign the CDF document. We know that Tony is a dedicated and much loved priest and his suspension from public ministry has been a great loss to the church in Ireland.
The issues which concern the CDF – women priests, homosexuality, same sex marriage, and gender theory – are currently being widely discussed in the Catholic Church around the world, for example at the German Synodal Way.
We thought that under Pope Francis dialogue was being encouraged and that “silencing” would no longer be the tool of engagement. But it appears that in the Vatican “compassion” must always be second to “obedience”. Where does that leave Christ’s message of love?
One of the leading thinkers in the Irish Church welcomes the Pope’s ‘change of culture’ but warns that it will peter out unless there are reforms to structures and institutions
We are working to develop inclusive communities based on our 6 Aims, while being open to engage with all sections of the church about our lives in the church today.