WE ARE CHURCH IRELAND endorses the call by The DROMORE Group* of abuse survivors (25 August 2023) to Archbishop Eamon Martin to withdraw the invitation to the Archbishop of New york, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, as the chief celebrant at the cathedral’s 150th anniversary Mass on Sunday (27th August).
We make this call because we believe Archbishop Martin’s invitation is grossly insensitive and disrespectful to the Dromore survivors and their fellow clerical abuse survivors in the United States. We believe it is alarmingly tone-deaf and sends out a message of “business as usual” from the hierarchical church.
Cardinal Dolan has a terrible record in Milwaukee and New York for protecting church financial assets ahead of any concern for survivors of clerical sex abuse. He is a most unsuitable person to preside at the 150th anniversary in Armagh.
In Prague in February 2023 Archbishop Eamon Martin said: It was significant that the voice of the Irish was heard loudly and clearly in the Synod Hall here in Prague, and in particular our emphasis that the Church is wounded by the horrific experience of abuse.
Archbishop Eamon Martin has repeatedly stressed the deep and raw wounds of the abuse crisis. If he withdraws the invitation to Cardinal Dolan – even at this late stage – it would confirm he is first and foremost on the side of the survivors.
Ursula Halligan and Colm Holmes
Joint Co-ordinators
WAC Ireland
Mobile +353 86 606 3636
*The Dromore Group was established in 2021 and comprises survivors of Ireland’s most predatory paedophile priest, Fr. Malachy Finnegan, and their families.
Registered Charity Number 20203544