Press Release: Spiritual Abuse of LGBTQ+ Catholics
Colm Holmes • 19 March 2021
We Are Church Ireland denounces the latest Vatican statement
We Are Church Ireland denounces the latest Vatican statement banning the blessing of same-gender unions as both theologically flawed and outdated as well as profoundly lacking pastorally. Many LGBTQ+ Catholic people experience it as an act of violence, spiritual abuse, an attack on their goodness and love. Many others are revulsed by its language.
Its condemnatory stance is unworthy of a Christian church, although sadly not unprecedented coming from the CDF, but it is dispiriting to see Pope Francis signing off on it.
We Are Church Ireland calls on Irish priests and bishops to follow the example of bishops and priests in other countries who have repudiated the CDF statement and have pledged to continue blessing same-gender unions.
We also call on our members and other Catholics to express their support for our LGBTQ+ sisters and brothers and to use every means to register strongly their protest against this Vatican ruling which makes a mockery of any talk of synodality and inclusivity.
One of the leading thinkers in the Irish Church welcomes the Pope’s ‘change of culture’ but warns that it will peter out unless there are reforms to structures and institutions
We are working to develop inclusive communities based on our 6 Aims, while being open to engage with all sections of the church about our lives in the church today.