20 May 2021
WAC Ireland Submission re National Synodal Assembly Process
1. We would not have just one preferred option. What is needed is a mixed-methods approach because different methods of gathering information will be more effective for some groups than for others. It is important that all who identify as Catholic are invited to contribute (78% of the population in the 2016 Census)
2. Our bishops should publish their Ad Limina Reports so that all the People of God have access to the full picture of the Catholic Church in Ireland.
3. We would recommend inviting formal contributions from the other Christian churches in Ireland.
4. Summaries of findings of assemblies that have already taken place across dioceses should be provided.
5. No issues should be ruled out as being outside the remit of this National Synodal Assembly. There should be an open agenda. Transparency and accountability must be an essential part of the process.
Colm Holmes
We Are Church Ireland
Website: http://wearechurchireland.ie/
Email: colmholmes2020@gmail.com