Press Release: Pope Francis Supports Same Sex Unions - He Must Now Act!
We Are Church Ireland • 28 October 2020
Pope Francis supports civil unions – he must now act to revise teaching to allow blessings and remove hurtful language
PRESS RELEASE 21 October 2020
Pope Francis supports civil unions – he must now act to revise teaching to allow blessings and remove hurtful language
We Are Church Ireland warmly welcomes the wonderful news that Pope Francis supports civil unions for Same Gender couples. This is a hugely significant step for Pope Francis and the Catholic Church.
We call on Pope Francis to follow up his wonderful words with actions to introduce church blessings for Same Gender couples and to revise teaching to remove the descriptions of LGBTQ+ people as objectively disordered and their love as intrinsically evil.
Ursula Halligan Mobile +353 87 231 2150
Colm Holmes Mobile +353 86 606 3636
One of the leading thinkers in the Irish Church welcomes the Pope’s ‘change of culture’ but warns that it will peter out unless there are reforms to structures and institutions
We are working to develop inclusive communities based on our 6 Aims, while being open to engage with all sections of the church about our lives in the church today.