Jane Mellett ZOOM talk to WAC Ireland at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14 September 2021
Jane Mellett
lives in Dublin, Ireland and is the Laudato Si’ Officer with Tròcaire (the overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland). Prior to this, Jane was a parish pastoral worker with the Archdiocese of Dublin serving in parish ministry for many years. In 2018, Jane embarked on a Climate Pilgrimage, carrying the message of Laudato Si’ from Italy to Poland to the UN Climate Talks (COP24). This, she describes, as a real experience of ‘ecological conversion’ and since then she has dedicated her time to share the wisdom of Laudato Si’ with others, especially in the areas of ecological education and spirituality.
One of the leading thinkers in the Irish Church welcomes the Pope’s ‘change of culture’ but warns that it will peter out unless there are reforms to structures and institutions
We are working to develop inclusive communities based on our 6 Aims, while being open to engage with all sections of the church about our lives in the church today.