The papers reported in early January about the appointment of the Bishop of Ossory, Dermot Farrell, as the new Archbishop-elect of Dublin. I was aware of an American election but not of one for the Dublin diocese. The baptised People of God in Dublin had no hand, act or vote in his election or selection by the Roman Curia who is the Pope. This is normal clerical practice from the bygone eras of empire, slavery, superstition, and fear. However, it is a foreign and outdated system for Catholics today who value their personal dignity, vote and active participation
in liturgy, ministry and decision making as per the Acts of the Apostles and state of the art governance. In a time of great struggle between democracy and despotism, it appears preferable if the Catholic Church were to model power sharing, synodality, subsidiarity and respect for the Holy Spirit in every person.
I welcome the statement by Bishop Farrell as reported in the Irish Times that he favours women deacons and optional celibacy. I also welcome his honest admission that there is no scriptural basis for the clerical refusal to ordain women and that patriarchal tradition is the only barrier. Those statements are welcome news for those of us practising Catholics who treasure the core Good News of Jesus Christ and wish to transmit same to a new generation. It appears to us that it is not possible to evangelise today in the language of sexism, patriarchy, homophobia, and authoritarianism. Polls have shown over decades that a majority of Irish Catholics disagree with the clerical policy of apartheid for women and refusal to grant justice and equality for women in the leadership, governance, and ministry of the Roman Catholic Church.
Some outdated traditions are poisonous and hinder Christian discipleship. Many traditions or teachings about slavery, antisemitism and inquisition have mostly been laid aside. Patriarchal traditions of entitlement and superiority are gradually being neutralized even though there is still much misogyny and domestic abuse. Clerical traditions of suspicion and fear of women must change soon in favour of positive celebration of sexuality. Bishop Dermot seems worried about the false threat of a split or schism. If the issue of women priests, justice and power sharing splits any church, it is only right that people today should continue to walk away from such outdated patriarchal strongholds.
I very much welcome the synodal policy as promoted by Pope Francis and Bishop Farrell as long as it is not just empty talk or shunted into a siding like the Amazonian Synod. The masters in control may use syrup buzz words such as “listening” and “consultation” but, it is all a sham if the end result remains that lay people and priests have no real say in decision making. There is indeed a great need for open conversation, active listening and honest dialogue in every parish leading to consensus and substantial reform as a matter of urgency. There must be no clerical roadblocks or red lines. It is all a waste of time and a useless charade if the clerics do not allow for serious action and substantial reform of systems, traditions, governance, ministry and narrative.
For much of the past century, there was dreadful misogyny and patriarchal domination in the Republic of Ireland as heavily controlled and influenced by the Roman Curia. There have been many shameful reports about that awful time. Now we are faced with the depressing report into mother and baby homes. There will be apologies and purposes of amendment. However, the patriarchal maltreatment of women and homosexuals continues in our official Catholic Catechism, Canon Law, and traditions. Tragically, this all contributes to ongoing domestic abuse and homophobic bullying in society. Will the next century reports find us Catholics guilty of continued collusion in the oppression of women and homosexuals? Sadly, it is still happening on our watch. We need to speak out for reform or continue to walk away. Catholics have been crying out for reforms, renewal, and reunion for many centuries. That project has been consistently thwarted by the Roman Curia. In the light of that refusal, it is little wonder that people walk away and that plans to reorganise, or close parishes will be unwelcome.
It is good that Bishop Farrell has announced himself as a listener and a beacon of hope and a supporter of Pope Francis. I welcome Bishop Farrell to our diocese. I will listen carefully to his words and observe his actions. I will continue to speak out for reform and will pray for success and every blessing in his ministry among us.
Joe Mulvaney
Dundrum, Dublin 16