The idea of equality of all goes back to Gen.1, v.27 and Gen.5, v.2. Jesus quotes these same texts in his teaching Mt.19, v.4 and Mk.10, v.6. In his conversations and interactions Jesus treats all equally – men, women and children, Jews and non-Jews.
If all of his followers are of equal importance then all of them have an obligation to contribute to the decision-making in the Church. All the baptized together are the Church.
One way of hearing what the people have to say is by holding regular and frequent open forums in each parish. Their ideas and suggestions should be sent on to their bishop so that gradually the hierarchy would benefit from the collective wisdom of all the baptized. At present more than 99% of this experience, expertise, know-how and wisdom are being ignored.
Other ways of putting into action the equality of the baptized would be:
- far greater representation of women and lay men in the administration departments in the Vatican.
- All the baptised taking part in the election of their new bishop.
- Parish Pastoral Council publishing an account of their discussions after each meeting.
- far greater representation of women and lay men on the Diocesan Committees.e body content of your post goes here. To edit this text, click on it and delete this default text and start typing your own or paste your own from a different source.
Bernadette 'Reilly